Benny Chastain — Chasing a Dream

We went through a pretty intense NASCAR phase a few years back. We shot at racetracks for the US AirForce, Bristol Motor Speedway but this documentary series for AARP about Benny, a senior trying to make the Daytona 500, was a highlight. The off-camera highlight was the hot afternoon that Mike was tapped on the shoulder by Keith Richards! Well, Mike thought it was Keith Richards but it was just Richard Petty. The light glistened off of his spectacularly white teeth as he asked Mike, Now what are you boys filming here with these fancy cameras?” But before Mike even had the chance to thank him for the opening riff of Gimme Shelter he was gone in a flash of feathers and black leather.

The Big A

Sometimes we take getting it in camera’ a bit too far. Why do it in post when you can carry a giant practical fiberglass A” around the city?